Web Design

We design innovative and responsive user experiences.

Showcase design of your business starts now.

Your web site is the cardinal part of your comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Regardless the business field you run, the users and the customers always expect a web site that are both technically compliant and aesthetically perfect. We craft a joyful user experience with joint and dedicated efforts of our backend programming, design and digital marketing teams. 

Your website, which builds on vStart 2.x CMS*, a proprietary product developed by Vayes Backend Team, helps you to reduce your invesment cost by providing you a compitable software with the most of our related services as a benefit of using our professional code base and design structure.

Ultimately, we deliver a solid user-focused and goal-oriented web design after a joyful hard-working process.

* vStart CMS, a user and search engine friendly, native multi-lingual content management system relaesed first stable version on 2011. It is still being actively updated regularly on customer-driven suggestions and de facto trends in backend development and frontend design technologies. Optional SEO & SMO modules assist you to reach a better ranking in search results. You may change the content , media and a lot site-related configurations by yourself with absolutely no need to code.

Key Points

  • Web Strategy Planning

  • Responsive Design

  • OOP & (H)MVC Code Structure

  • Competitive Stance Assessment

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